Monday, January 11, 2021

 My Place in This World? 

A friend wrote about this on Facebook, "I just want to find my place in this world." I get it friend -- I ask God, "What is my calling?" Who am I?" I have questioned God myself lately, "What am I supposed to be doing?" "How should I be living my daily life?" I know He wants all of me.  I know I am created with a purpose.  What parts of me are part of Your purpose for my life, and what parts are my selfish-still-holding-on sin nature that needs to die? 

I went to bed thinking about my friend's question and mine.  What is my place in this world? What should I be doing with my life? I concluded we do have a purpose to fulfill, but we are not all called to do "BIG" things.  The daily mundane things done with great love become great things. 

I fell asleep with a sense of great peace and purpose. What is my purpose? To love God and to love others. But how did knowing that bring me peace?  I asked God some more questions.

"Where do I start Lord?"  with those right in front of you.  Everyone you meet, whoever God brings to our path is your great ministry. 

"How do I do it Lord?"  what is that in your hand?  This question came with a flood of visions of "Bible people."  

  • Moses had a staff - God anointed and used it
  • David had a sling shot - God anointed and used it
  • The poor widow had two coins -  Jesus used it to share a great truth
  • The boy had a lunch - Jesus blessed it and it fed a multitude.
We, you and I, sweet friend are called to get up every day and give all we have to God and ask him to bless it.  We are called, commanded, to love others.  
What is my place in this world?  where I am right now. 
What is my purpose? to love God and to love others.
What do I use?  whatever God has put in my hands.

David didn't need a staff, he needed a sling shot.  While God could use whatever David offered to slay Goliath, David would have found it awkward and look silly trying to fight Goliath with a staff.  Can you imagine if David heard that was how Moses defeated Pharaoh, and decided he needed to defeat Goliath the same way?  Each one had to offer what they had, what they knew, what they were comfortable using.  

We have to let God do a new thing, a unique thing, because we are in a new time, new battle, and uniquely equipped. 
What is in your hand?  Who is in front of you? Where has God placed you, today? 
Go love God and others in word and deed.  Use what God has put in your hands, serve them well, that is our place in this world.  No magic formula, no special career choice, no great life change.  Start where you are and who knows what God might put in your hands next?  Maybe a crown? 

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