Thursday, January 31, 2019

Enjoying My Life

Since this is the last day of January, I better get my January blog post up!!

photo of 2019 light art

I have decided to enjoy my life more in 2019.  Now before you think this is another one of those me first blog posts, let me explain.

I have been wrestling with this new year differently than past years. Some years the expectancy of the new year and all it brings is almost tangible.  Other years a word for the new year comes powerfully to mind, and is confirmed over and over again. This year, meh.  Do I want to choose a half hearted word?  Do I want to make any resolutions?  What am I actually expecting this new year to bring?  What do I want the new year to bring?

I started a list of things I would like to accomplish in 2019.  Then I started a bucket list of sorts...a list of things I would hear the kids say they enjoyed.  Much of the list making leaned towards living more intentionally for the new year, "intentional" there's a word.

two white and beige pens on white paper

I have also been listening to podcasts and audible books on minimalism, and simple living.  Oh, "simplicity" there's a word.  What about, "growth" & "change"?  All good words, but somehow I just couldn't embrace them and run towards a year defined by one of those words.

Then while making homemade pizza it hit me.  I can enjoy everyday of my life!  The secret is doing things I enjoy everyday.  I'm not talking about pampering myself everyday.  But being true to my truest self.  True to the woman God created me to be.  What are the things I enjoy?  What are the things that make me feel good? What are the things that bring value to my life?  What is stopping me from doing more of them?

kitchen utensil lot on brown wooden floating shelf

I have been reflecting on this and will probably write more about it in future blogs.

Here's a partial list of the things that bring me joy...ordinary everyday...enjoyment and pleasure:

  • cooking and baking from scratch
  • sewing
  • reading to my children
  • snuggling with my husband
  • writing this blog
  • quiet time with God, reading my Bible and praying, listening for His still small voice. 
  • long baths 
  • lunches with friends
These are in no particular order and the list could be endless.  I didn't include things like the smell of my child's hair after playing outside or the feel of warm water on my hands when I wash dishes.

I am realizing that when we chase the perfect, the exciting, the extraordinary, we miss the everyday joys.  For me, I think my life will be more enjoyable if I take delight in the everyday, ordinary, life giving moments. When I embrace what brings a heart flutter to me, instead of chasing what I am supposed to be doing.  Instead of chasing the latest decorating trends, or lists of what the "ideal" woman should be doing, eating, wearing, etc.

I will be intentional about simplifying my life, but not with someone else's list.  I am going to ask God to show me what to let go of and what to embrace and enjoy, even if it doesn't look like what every other woman is keeping or doing.

white and red ceramic bowl

It has taken me years to realize that I cook from scratch, because I want to, I enjoy it.  Yes, it saves my family money, and is much healthier, but that is not my truest motivation.  You see I will splurge to eat at a restaurant, I will drive through a fast food restaurant, and even eat a hot dog, gasp.  I'm not a purist, I am looking more into health and weight loss, but my primary reason I cook from scratch is simple.  God created me to be creative, and cooking gives me a chance to be creative every single day.

I don't enjoy when I put a lot of myself into cooking a special meal and my child won't even taste it, but focusing on the process and the joy of cooking can overcome that if I choose to do it.

On the surface my life may not change much in 2019, or will it?  What I hope will change is how much I enjoy my everyday, ordinary, amazing life. 

bunch of white petaled flowers

And I pray each and everyone of you will do the same and join me in enjoying your life, everyday!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Re thinking the blog

Looking back on the last year or so I have realized that this blog is not quite what I want it to be, so I am going to be changing some things in the new year.

selective focus of red flowers

I posted some content last year, that was not fully "me."  All of it is part of our journey, but some of the blog posts were not specific to why I started this blog.  Most importantly, I feel like they weren't what God wanted me to be saying.  

There is content all over the internet for cleaning your home, creating daily schedules, meal planning, Trim Healthy Mama, etc. etc.  I will still share those things, because they are part of our journey.  I just feel like I started this blog to share the story of our wounded hearts.  I really don't know if there are other blogs focused on this specific topic and journey....I haven't found them.  

I want to tell our story.  The story of trauma, brokenness, gains and losses, bitter sweet moments, and crazy moments...I want to share above all else the healing, the abundant grace, the restored love, and resiliency of my people.  

This crazy story is hard to share.  You cannot understand the grace and healing without hearing about the broken places.  Making myself, my family, and those close to our story vulnerable to a world of on lookers is tough.  I want to tell their stories from the place where they meet mine, with enough details to give you, the reader, hope and encouragement, but still protect their stories and their still raw, still healing wounds.  

shadow of four people on wall

I don't know what shape these blog posts are going to take, but I know it is time to start telling the wonderful story of how a bunch of people brought together by God's divine hand are healing, are moving forward, and will continue to push through pain and disappointment to have the abundant life He has promised to give us.  

 One by one I hope to introduce you to the wounded hearts.  I won't share names, although if you are a close friend or family member you will know them.  I want their permission when I write about them, so their story can safely continue to be written.  Maybe a book would be more anonymous, but a book has a beginning, middle and end.   Our stories often start somewhere in the middle and are not finished yet.  That last part is where the hope comes boldly into our stories.  Our stories are not finished yet!!  There is still breath and still healing to be done in our wounded hearts!!

gray framed eyeglasses on open book

If you want to share our journey as we bump along this path called life, hit the subscribe button.  I have no clear vision for the future of this blog.  Next week we have a week dedicated to prayer, and seeking God's vision.  I will use some of that time to seek God's vision for my family and this blog.  I may in the future have a facebook page for this blog, but for now this is the only place to follow our story.  I hope you join our journey, but I will love and understand if you don't.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline (some versions, say sound mind) 
2 Timothy 1:7