I am inspired to make this a real blog again. I have a sweet friend with the same first name, who is recording a weekly vlog. She has been so transparent about that struggle, and inspired me to just write. So...not everything I write will be great, but I will share our journey.
September always brings a newness, a fresh start, a beginning, so with that in mind, let's begin.
This fresh new blog post will be all the "ings."
I did a BIG menu plan and we are eating THM Trim Healthy Mama dinners. This weeks dinners were: BLT-Frittata, Watcha Want Mexican (chicken), cheeseburgers, cowboy grub, Trim Mac Salad (think Big Mac in a salad), and a trip through the drive through at McDonald's (real life happens), and pizza at home. I will write a future post about my September meal plan.
Aloud to the kids: The Winged Watchman by Hilda Van Stockum
Myself: I finished, Household Organization by Florence Caddy written in 1877. I found this book to be timely despite the old English writing style. I was inspired to be a better homemaker. Current Audio book: Atomic Habits, by James Clear. Currently reading Capsule Wardrobe by Sophie Claire.
Everything I possibly can. We have done our first round in our dining room, front porch, and the children's living room. We have removed several boxes and bags to Salvation Army, and many trash bags of garbage. Children's bedrooms are in progress, and I hope to finish this month. At least round one. 😊
for back to school, sorta. We have two kids going back to traditional school. Our oldest student is a junior attending a highschool/college program. Our youngest is a 2nd grader attending a small private school. Our middles are going to stay home this year. Our 9th and 8th graders will be doing a traditional homeschool year. Our 3rd grader has an IEP and is CSE classified, and will do a combination distance learning and homeschooling. If you think this is confusing, all five would be in different schools if they were to return to traditional school. As the mom I just couldn't wrap my head around all the different restart programs, so we decided on the most consistent options for us.
homeschooling courses. Printing, organizing, scheduling, all the subjects and all the ways we are going to learn this year. I am very excited to be planning a nature study with another family. I love nature walks, but struggle to make them happen, so does my friend. We will be using Exploring Nature with Children, and I am so excited about this curriculum. Look for a future post about our studies.
Our church ladies September picnic. Journey to Hope. We all need a reminder of the hope that is set before us, during these anxious and uncertain times.
all the back to school stuff. Plus a few Christmas gifts I found on facebook market place. Shh. I am not a shop early for Christmas person, but when the perfect item comes up at a good price, I grab it.
I don't watch much TV, Andy Griffith, and Green Acres are the shows I watch on a regular basis. I couple episodes of Fixer Upper and I Love Lucy on Hulu, if I really want to watch TV. I do watch a few You Tubers pretty faithfully. The Minimal Mom, Grace & Grit, Angela Braniff, Farmhouse Vernacular, Rooted in Rest, This Gathered Nest, The Daily Connoisseur, Farmhouse on Boone, Old World Home, Do It On a Dime...are my favorites right now.
personal losses. We have lost 2 family members from this life in the last two years. We have also lost two sons from our home. The last two are the hardest for me to grieve and find closure. There are losses few will understand and sorrows few will walk through. In my heart these two young men are part of my forever family. They are sons of my heart no matter where their journey takes them, but I have lost them and my momma heart often grieves deeply for what I thought would be and what was lost. These are the griefs that occasionally come when we chase wounded hearts. There are so many blessings, but right now I feel I am in a season of deep undeniable grief, few will ever understand. More of that journey to come.
Against all hope in the God who blesses abundantly more than I could ever hope or imagine.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began
and finished this race we are in.
Hebrews 12:2 THE MESSAGE
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