Wow, it has been a long time since I have shared a post.
Truth is I am so much better at making elaborate plans than following them!! This year my planning is less, but I have some FOCUSED intentions!! More about that in another post.
As I clean through my house, no noise except my own thoughts, and I have a lot of them!!
Some things have come to me. I have let magazines, HGTV, and Pinterest define style for a long time!
I love Johanna Gaines, but I have come to realize that her style, while it is called farmhouse style does not fit with my memories of farmhouse style. It's important to note here I am a farmers daughter, I grew up on farms in "farm houses." We did not hang farm tools on our walls and we did not cut up barn wood to make signs. I love the look and if Johanna Gaines offered to redo my house, I'd reply with a "Yes, Mame, please do." and if it is your style I would love to drink that special kind of family cozy in along with a fresh cup of hot coffee and lots of chatter and laughter. Also, my idea of the perfect girl date.
My idea of farm house and cottage style goes back to a summer I stayed with my great aunt & uncle. I think I stayed for a week, but it could have been just a weekend. I haven't thought of that place or them in years. But this morning as I cleaned my home the memories came flooding back. Maybe it happened when I put on my apron, maybe when I rebooted the laundry, but it all came back the sights, the smells, the sunshine through the windows, everything. I have to admit it took longer for the names of my aunt and uncle to come to mind. For any family members who might read this blog I am talking about Aunt Midge and Uncle Gene.
Their house was cottage to me. The downstairs was actually just two rooms, on one side a kitchen and dining area. The other side, separated by the stairs on one end and a tiny bathroom on the other, was the living room/sitting room. This home was a tiny little cottage, and it was also a farmhouse. It had a true farmhouse sink, cast iron, double sink with attached drain boards. It may have been the only cabinetry and counter space in that little kitchen. I do remember a floor to ceiling cupboard unit spanning one end wall, built in wainscoting style. And that was the first time I ever saw pegboard in use. A large panel of it stood on one wall and held so many kitchen items, and my aunts apron. My aunt also had a modern washer :-) Every morning she pulled this portable contraption up to the sink and hooked it up to the faucet. It was small probably meant to be used in apartments. But there was only two of them most of the time. I don't remember a dryer.
There were flowers in a mason jar or tall drinking glass, whichever fit the best and was handy. They were fresh cut by uncle and lovingly place in their vase by my aunt. They were like their home simple country folks. Their home held more stuff than the minimalist movement would appreciate, but it didn't feel cluttered it felt homey. Every piece held a memory for them. They had endured hardship and loss and sunshine and rain. I remember a table in the living room with a puzzle on it. This was entertainment, never to be rushed to "finish" the puzzle, instead it was there to ponder, search and enjoy for a few minutes or even a long hour in the slow moments of the day.
The order of the day served the needs and people of that house. Seed time and harvest, cooking, cleaning, all of it had a purpose and no one seemed to question if what they did mattered. They didn't spend hours arranging the perfect flower arrangement, that used what they had and it was perfect!
I don't remember them complaining about the work, and I didn't see them rushing to do, to go, to be, they just did the next necessary thing.
So that is what my heart's desire is chasing this year, 2020. To FOCUS on the slow, deliberate work of each day. To listen for God's still small voice and obey. With God's help I desire to create a home that is lovely in the truest sense of the word. One like my Aunt and Uncle's that welcomed me into their space and their lives, even if only for a season.
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