So...without further ado here is the plan for this week and going forward.
Our Home:
I am also using the home management binder from Do It On a Dime Do It On A Dime household binder to keep on task with daily home maintenance while taking on the task of decluttering every room and surface.
Above picture also include some just too beautiful paper products I will be using as well. I purchased these from my local Dollar General.
My Body:
I am using Trim Healthy Mama to plan all my meals and eat on plan for weight loss.
I am working out at my local Snap Fit for fitness and strength. I also plan to incorporate T Tapp exercise videos for toning and elongating my muscles.
This week's plan:
work out 3 x Tu, Wed, Fri at Snapfit
Dinner Menu Plan:
(in no particular order)
crockpot - Smarty - Pants Stroganoff (S)
crockpot - Wipe Your Mouth BBQ (E)
skillet - Cowboy Grub (E)
skillet - Taco Time (S)
salad - Grand Greek Salad (S)
salad - Layered Salad (from Saving Dinner cookbook modifying to make an (S))
Pizza - THM (S)
We always have Pizza on Friday nights and since THM has several options I can stay on plan and not feel deprived.
All of the recipes are found in the Trim Healthy Mama cook book except for the Layered Salad. We are having a church picnic this week and I really needed to find a dish to pass that would be rich enough so I wouldn't feel deprived passing up the other great dishes. I chose an S salad, because I can look for some meat to pair with it and stay on plan.
Finally, if you are not familiar with the S, E, FP, XO letters please check out Trim Healthy Mama
My Soul (mind, will, emotions):
I will continue to work with my therapist on all my wounds, new and old. I also hope/plan to work through two books. during this 100 hundred days:
Grace, Not Perfection by Emily Ley
Anyone who knows me personally already knows this is the core of who I am. Without Jesus and my Faith in His word, Who He is, and the Holy Spirit as my primary counselor, I am nothing. So to go along with this truth here are two scriptures God has already given me to start this journey:
Proverbs 25:24 "It's better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home."
No matter how lovely my home becomes, if it becomes more important than the people living in it, I have lost sight of what is most important. God had to show me this so I would not become a martyr about the work or get upset whenever someone messes up the spaces in our home.....I could do that 😜
Mark 8:36 (NLT) "And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?"
Very similar to the other verse, but more weighty. I cannot make my home, my body, my meal plan, my workout, anything in this plan more important than the relationship I have with Jesus. The relationship that gave me salvation and eternal life. I am prone to idol worship, no not the kind that looks like a statue or a shrine and I don't bow down and worship physical idols. I DO put my hope and trust into people, situations, and stuff. Things like, "as soon as the house is clean and organized, we'll all be happy." OR "when I hit my goal weight and fitness level, I'll be happy and my marriage will be better." God knows me so well, He is already warning me about the dangers of becoming focused on the outcome of the next 100 days, and how I could think it depends on me and when I complete it everything in life will suddenly be great.
Life is just hard some times, God is good, and He knows how to keep me humble.
If you think I left out my family, oh no. My prayer is this will give us a space to live life together, to do life well.
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