I have decided on my "word" for 2018.
2 Peter 1:3 "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness."
This word has been coming to my mind in different forms over several months. As it rolls over in my mind, I find it "right" for this season of my life. It isn't "enough" like "I've had enough!" My kids have heard it used that way many, many times, but more: enough - sufficient.
It first came to me in response to a prayer text sent to many people close to me, a request for wisdom. One response stated, "you have all the wisdom you need." Truth. I needed courage to use the wisdom I had. This is not to say I have all the wisdom I will ever need, can there ever be too much wisdom? This person simply knew the situation and knew I had the wisdom I needed for that moment. "you have all you need" sounds a lot like 2 Peter 1:3 He has given us everything we need....hmmm, ponder, ponder.
Most recently, I was ready to click on a link to take me to a home planner for 2018. It promised to make my routines work, my productivity to soar, and all my clutter to disappear by years end (or something like that). It would definitely be the answer to all my organization needs. I would be efficient, productive, healthy, and happy if I just purchased and used this planner. Just as I was ready to click the link a still small voice said, "you don't need another planner, you have everything you need." The voice was right, He always is...
I have purchased and downloaded so many of these books, eBooks, planners, organizers, bullet journals, etc. etc. Bottom line they usually don't work for as long as it takes me to set them up. Oh, I've learned a thing or two from them, but nothing sticks with me for long. Someone else's system doesn't work for me. Maybe in another post I'll share the things that do work for me, but the truth was I have enough knowledge, what I lack is implementation and consistancy, sigh.

So the word enough - everything you need, continues to wander around in my head. I am not a minimalist and I don't think I want to be one. I like pretty things and a cozy home. But how many cozy fleece throws are enough? How many scented candles in a home where I can only light them occasionally, because so many of my kiddos with impulse control issues. I love them, and I enjoy lighting them when my kiddos are in school or tucked away in bed. But how many do I need? How many are enough? Anyone who knows me knows I love a pair of cute shoes or boots, but how many is enough?
I want my home to be clean and tidy, but what about clean enough? Isn't it enough to be safe and be able to find the things we need when we need them? Is it enough if dishes are clean from a tasty meal and garbage is out side each night? What is enough for me and my family? And speaking of meals, I like pretty dishes, but if they stay in the hutch for decoration or special occasions are they being used enough? Maybe everyday snacks served on a pretty platter is a special occasion? What makes a meal special and tasty? Is it enough that it is filling, and mostly healthy?

I could continue with many questions in my mind: how many pairs of sock per person is enough? How many pairs of jeans? How many sheet sets? How many towels? The truth is there isn't a magic number. I will spend 2018 trying to figure out what is right for me and my family.
1 Peter 1:3 "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness."
The second part of the that verse tells the one thing I need more of in 2018, and the rest of my life. "knowledge of him". God has given us (me) everything I need for a godly (good) life, through knowledge of him.... I can listen to that voice, I can know him more, and I can experience the peace of enough. Enough is not scarcity thinking it breathes peace and abundance into the everyday.
As I homeschool my daughter who struggles to learn, I am enough; the curriculum is enough; her pace is enough. No more long hours on the computer trying to improve and add to the curriculum. If she is learning and making progress that is enough.
Every effort of my husband is enough, a blessing. Every time we see a little progress in a child, it is enough. At the end of every single day, when we've given our best, it is enough. No need to lay awake replaying the mistakes or missed opportunities of the day, nope, I gave it my all and it is enough.
I don't need to read 20 blogs a week and try to implement someone else's great idea into my world. This is my life and I have everything I need to live it well. This doesn't mean I stop reading, and learning, it just means that not everything that works for others is needed for me to be enough. I am enough.
By now you are probably tired of my word for the year, but I want to say it one more time:
You my friend are enough!! If you have Christ, you too have everything you need!
Happy New Year
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