Friday, December 31, 2021

Journey 2022

A new year, a new beginning, a fresh start. What does this new year hold for each of us?   For you? For me?  For our family of wounded hearts?  For this blog?  

Oh this blog!! A history of fresh starts and new beginnings, but where are the completions?  Where are the victories!! 

I titled this blog Chasing Wounded Hearts for a reason, maybe more than one 😉 I am wounded, my husband is wounded, our children are wounded, and I serve a God who promises to heal the broken hearted, binding up our wounds.  Sometimes,  often, most of the time, the journey from wounded heart to healing is messy.  I've been told messy doesn't inspire good blog reading. Then I realized there's a blurry line between where my story ends and my child or husband's story begins. That makes the story telling a little difficult.

I've been pondering that word, "chasing."  It sounds a lot like that children's game of tag, full of chasing after someone, never knowing when they might swerve one way or the other, when they might pour on the steam and quickly pull away from you, always afraid of slipping and falling, or that you won't be able to tag someone.  That is a pretty good description of living with those wounded by trauma, loss, and life, but it doesn't tell the whole story of our lives together. 

"Chasing" is always running after, desperate to catch up, slightly out of breath, never in control, always... well.... chasing!  I have no intentions of changing the name of this blog, however I am looking at 2022 differently.  I no longer want to chase after anything but, God and His will for my life. For 2022 I am looking at the word "Journey." A journey is so different from chasing, there's a destination, a plan to get there, a reason for going, and expectancy.  

2022 will find me on a journey for JOY, a journey to physical health, a journey to simplify our home, a journey of homeschooling, a journey of raising children, a journey of loving my husband, a journey to serve and equip women, a journey to becoming a blogger.  Unlike a physical trip, I can journey towards more than one destination at a time. What fun! Instead of one place to visit I can follow a map to a world full of adventures.  

So this year, 2022 I plan to share my journeys. You can follow along. You can cheer me on. You can be my accountability partner. You can comment. You can join me, if you are on the same journey. Along the way I will share any tools, tips, and strategies I am using. I plan to post a new blog every Friday, 52 blogs for 2022. I hope you will join me. 

.And so a new year begins, and I begin again with the hope of being a blogger...